Saturday, February 14, 2009

Complete Macross (Robotech) series torrent

We are all fans of Robotech, or Macross to use the original title, but few know the entire series.

Starting with the prequel - Macross Zero

magnet:?xt=urn:btih:NRUMLLXDHLGBT2RX3M32YPH2KVNPQ6IZ (Azureus/Vuze magnet link)

Then we have the original Super Dimension Fortress Macross, which was titled Robotech when it was aired in the US.

magnet:?xt=urn:btih:D5ITL7X4XEONZK7Q53IXVWGYVYCQMECM (Azureus/Vuze magnet link)

Then, based on the original Macross series, comes Super Dimension Century Orguss (which was never shown in the US)

magnet:?xt=urn:btih:PEZBWY2R22TQNHKHCVHEWSMUOAWJJJOY (Azureus/Vuze magnet link)

Then comes Super Dimension Fortress Southern Cross (the Robotech - Southern Cross/Robotech Masters series shown after Robotech in the US)

magnet:?xt=urn:btih:JWK2VO4OZHN67OD24KTYG4KQVIRMZDDI (Azureus/Vuze magnet link)

Then comes Super Dimension Fortress Genesis Climber Mospaeda (the Robotech - Mospaeda/Invid series when shown in the US after Southern Cross)

magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4XS65DJC7VWDUFF3CABV5BC6AADXFTKV (Azureus/Vuze magnet link)

Last decade the sequel to the original Macross series was released, Macross 7

magnet:?xt=urn:btih:R755GSRYFVTN2PETDRRAWV26GAO4AIEN (Azureus/Vuze magnet link)

Last year, on the 25th Anniversary of the Macross Universe, Macross Frontier was released.

magnet:?xt=urn:btih:H7FBMNAMEM76THULOFQSHYE7EGK3A2LY (Azureus/Vuze magnet link)

Enjoy, I have for 25 years and counting.


  1. You forgot Macross 2 and Macross Plus, but I forgive you.

    1. and do you remember love, and macross flashback 2012 and 7 dinamite and 7 encore and 7 the galaxy is calling me, and quite possibly the false songstress and wings of goodbye plus frontier bomber 7 (FB7)

      by now you must add Delta TV and Delta movie

  2. i'm having problems with the southern cross and invid's magnet link.

    1. I can take a look into my archives for Southern cross :)

  3. quick question,
    are the links still up?

    all the data is 'unknown'
